The Cavinian

Miguelito's Fried Ice Cream

                When the Cavinians hear something new in a mall, they will surely try them. Like the newest ice cream craze, the fried ice cream.

                 When I first heard of fried ice cream, I thought it was really fried wherein cooking oil is invovled. I was wrong. The original fried ice cream is a dessert that is commonly made
by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept, possibly coating it in raw egg, rolling it in cornflakes or cookie crumbs, and briefly deep frying it. The extremely low temperature of the ice cream prevents it from melting while being fried. It may be sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and a touch of peppermint, though whipped cream or honey may be used as well. 

                 Some liked it, but some don’t. I heard different comments about fried ice cream. Some say it is good and some say it sucks. So, I tried it for myself. I tried only one flavour – chocolate. I liked it. It tastes like, ice cream. The taste doesn’t differ from any other ice cream. It’s just fun to watch how the fried ice cream is made. It’s amazing how a liquid form is turned into rolls of ice cream. And the fun part is you get to choose your toppings and syrup!

                 No wonder Cavinians loved fried ice cream. So you haven’t tried fried ice cream yet? I say, try it now.

Written by Czarina Duran
Edited by GQontheReel

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