The Cavinian

  I Kissed a ZOMBIE and I Liked It
Inception of the Post-Human Era:

            Vampires and Zombies are accepted on the society, not just on novels and movies or even make-believe, but on the real society. I’m serious this is called the post-human era where vamps and zombs mingle with humans, especially teenagers. Algonquin “Alley” Rhodes, the Ice Queen of the Vicious Circle (The School Organ), thinks that vampires are selfish and acting around all gloomy and emo. Dating a vampire is very chic in their school so every girl is going berserk. But Alley doesn’t want these creatures to live among them because dead people have no reason to live. And Alley loathes boys, she dates one and then dumps and makes fun of them.

              A night in The Cage changes her perspective in life when Doug Benchley sings a Cole Porter (her favorite singer) song. Her heart was overwhelmed by his soft voice. She now realizes that a Goth Guy is hot. Alley and Doug starts dating and she’d ignore her no dating rule for him. Then she finds out that Doug is a Zombie. Alley now has a choice to make if she wants to continue her life in a different way. Will she continue her relationship with Doug or just fall apart like other teenage break ups?

                Katy Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl” gotstuck on my mind while I read this book. I researched that the book itself was inspired by this song. And I was thinking what would the lyrics be if the song was called, “I Kissed a Zombie.”

  Consider these Lyrics:

I kissed a Zomb and I like it

The taste of embalming fluid

I kissed a Zomb just to try it

I hope Vampires don’t mind it

            I Kissed a Zombie and I Liked It was a parody with a paranormal twist. Alley was not the same like the girls in school who craves for a Goth or vampire boyfriend. She was a frank, sassy and witty but her character was bizarre, really really  bizarre. You will enhance your vocabulary for this book includes new words of Alley like, “necrosexual,” “verblecht,” and “shlabotnik,” and makes plucky comments.The book was humorous, you have to read it word by word because every sentence was hilarious. I can’t help myself to read the book until the wee hours of night. If you want a light romance but wants to laugh it off or if you can’t stand another vampire novel with romance and heavy drama this book is perfect for you. Adam Selzer’s I Kissed a Zombie and I Liked It is an out-of-this-world novel that is worth the money.

Written by ilovesinsanity
Edited by GQontheReel

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